Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How I impact soil

Oh where to start. This is going to be on big guilt trip. I've been bad...Once I didn't know where to put my car oil so I left it outside. Well the next morning I noticed that it had been kicked around and the oil had spilled and sunk into the ground. I've littered...um... let see, using chemicals on the grass can't be to good for the soil. I better stop and focus on what I need and can do to change. Well not making dumb choices to leave oil out to soak into the ground would help. There's places I can take it where the oil can be disposed of properly. Why does grass need fertilizer when it has mother earths water! Not using chemicals on the grass would easily increase the soil condition. I feel like I've been abusive to my soil!


Rob V said...

Overall good weekly comments - missing a question, and can expand a little on some (who did you call about GMO's) - 13/15.

Journal project - you commented on your trip to the zoo, but don't forget you need to write a couple pages on the experience and how it relates to class. I'll give you a 10/25 for going, but post more information for more credit. - Rob

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